Article written by Mus Saad
The Last Breath
Our lives in this earth is too short, the heart beat is limited, and the ever changing day and night, for those who grasps the opportunity to do good deeds, than he will achieve success. But for those who wasted their time is in fact wasting valuable time and opportunity that will never return a second time 1.
In today’s era, the misleading concept of wasting time and so much relaxation in our society depicts an unhealthy way of life. Thus the editor take up this challenge to draw a line of guidance to manage fruitful time and to learn some lessons from our exemplars, from great Wise man who are concern about limited life by doing good deeds and worshiping the Creator.
May Allah bless and lead us to benefit our lives, and may this small note as a guidance and reminder from our never ending dreams, and to awaken our hearts from too much rest and sleep, and to control our stubborn evil needs, to motivate and encourage doing good deeds with the remaining of our limited lives. Ameen.
1"Did you think that we had created You In play (without any purpose), and that you would not be brought back to us?"
1"Did you think that we had created You In play (without any purpose), and that you would not be brought back to us?"
Qur’an-Al Mukminun:115
Watch this video clip
Singer: Ahmed Bukhatir
Title: Last Breath
When I watched this clip, my heart beats, wandering the next great tragedy that will happen in the future, and it will happen, my death, it is so near, creeping at any moment. Do we have a choice, I want to live a hundred years!
Your destiny after life is not your choice, ha.. we live and we die, and the body compost, that's it so easy.
let's rethink, In life a murderer will be sentence to death, a robber will go to prison, a crime will be taken seriously, and sentence in a court.. so after death, nothing happen .....sleep...
Are you sure! rethink you have any proof Sir, Madame?
Do you know what is life after death, do you have the answers? smart guy!
What will happen, if suddenly you are brought to court after death, and the hearing will start, you are accuse of what you do in life.. relax....
We have no choice, our lives is not in our hands. but you can make the right choice or never in your life, you have to answer that question, one mistake is fatal for your future, it is hell and burn or paradise..... not sure yet..
This info may save you......
Your destiny after life is not your choice, ha.. we live and we die, and the body compost, that's it so easy.
let's rethink, In life a murderer will be sentence to death, a robber will go to prison, a crime will be taken seriously, and sentence in a court.. so after death, nothing happen .....sleep...
Are you sure! rethink you have any proof Sir, Madame?
Do you know what is life after death, do you have the answers? smart guy!
What will happen, if suddenly you are brought to court after death, and the hearing will start, you are accuse of what you do in life.. relax....
We have no choice, our lives is not in our hands. but you can make the right choice or never in your life, you have to answer that question, one mistake is fatal for your future, it is hell and burn or paradise..... not sure yet..
This info may save you......

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Translated from Berita harian (Singapore) Thursday 6 January 2011, page 6.
Translated from Berita harian (Singapore) Thursday 6 January 2011, page 6.
"I am still the same person, I use to be, but only I do not drink alcohol, and eat pigs, I do perform 5 times prayer in a day".
Ms Denise Horsley, 26 years old dance teacher.
A companion of the Prophet (peace be upon him)
Salman Al Farisi commented: " There are three situation that make me laugh and there are three situation that make me cry:
Salman Al Farisi commented: " There are three situation that make me laugh and there are three situation that make me cry:
I laugh seeing a man day dreaming hoping for the earthly things, whereas death is chasing after him, seeing a careless person whereas death has never ignore him, and a man who laughs with his jaw wide open, and he doesn't know whether his action agitate his God or may be pleased with him.
I cried because of three situation : To be separated (due to death) from the person I loved, Prophet Muhammad and his companions, the cause of great pain during death, and when I stand alone in front of the Creator of the universe , and at that moment I do not know whether my place will be hell or paradise. "
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