Written by Mus Saad
The traits and his development integrated from:
- The genes of the parents.
- The environment of his house
- Policy at home
- Influence of friends at school
A person may be born gifted with a normal IQ and sometimes mental complication, or has a certain sickness. These values are created due to mixture of genes. Of course a person could not choose to be clever or handsome becomes these virtues are bestowed upon him and blessed with it. But today I am going to discuss on concepts that we are able to control via constant education, monitoring and support, we need to be realistic in life, but sometimes our hopes and expectation are too high for the kids. which later in his life created a tremendous stress. Believe me,starting school at the age of 3 years old in a nursery. yes! of course it is good for the kids and parents.. but let's feel empathy for a moment.
What is the appropriate age to start educating the child?
Policy at home
- Development starts in the womb of the mother, by communicating or reading nursery books, cause the child hears you whispering to him.
- The importance of eating proper foods, to build organs of child, such as dates, nuts, milk.
- when the child is born, give him a name which has a deep meaning, as to inspire him to great heights in life. The name of the child integrates with the family's objective. Because the child will ask you the meaning of his name, and it motivates him to strive in life.
- There should be some policy to manage home environment. Implement policy such as the usage of watching TV, what shows, what time permissible to watch..etc. Responsible at home, arranging books and papers, throw rubbish. At a young age the child learns responsibility.
The environment of his house
Create an environment conducive for the child to learn and focus in his studies.
- If you initiate a study time, than there should be no TV or radio at that period of time.
- If your policy is at 5 pm, for the child to start learning something, than you must show some exemplar and sit with the child, maybe you need to read some books, and the child read his books or do some homework. Never scold the child, bla..bla. your words will be a nuisance and he lost his concentration to focus because of your nagging comments.
- Parents should respect his rights to study, no arguing or scolding between both parents in the presents of the child. cause he becomes worried and could not study. If you have something do discuss with your husband or wife, please talk in private and discuss a win win situation.
The impact of peer pressure may change him, good or bad depends on the ability of the child to control himself. choosing a good friend is important, cause wrong step may deviate him to bad behavior and habits, which you do are not aware of it. You need to ask him regarding his friends and educate him to choose person who has good habits and education background.
The importance of consultation at home
- Every week,choose a day and time, to sit as a family and have an open discussion , pick any topics and discuss. The topic can be about your recent travel to China, Malaysia. Ask some question to the child to answer. What did he notice? did you notice some students on the streets, what are they doing? did you enjoy the travel? How's the hotel?
- Problem may arise about their up coming exams, how is the child cooping up. What's his schedule?
- Also forward some question for husband or wife to give some comments. always discuss in a friendly and loving manner.
- You may discuss regarding responsibility of family members. Have they performed their duties appropriately, or you see mistakes here are there, give your sincere comments, but before that, give some praise that he has done a good job,
- If a child is causing problem and breaking your heart, speak to him in a private one to one talk, and ends the discussion by saying that I love you, give him a hug , and say I want you to succeed in life.
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